Green Island Cement GIC Logo
GIC Logo

Safety Oriented


A Place of Excellence


A good workplace is fundamental to allowing our staff focusing on their work and pursue excellence. Our management pays attentions to different aspects constituting a better environment.


Occupational Safety and Health


Safety in the workplace is one of our top priorities. Our safety team routinely conducts inspections to identify all hazards and make Green Island Cement a safe place to work.


We have a safety system in place and have accredited ISO 45001 so as to monitor and review the effectiveness of our safety system. We also adopt 5S in our workplace to improve efficiency and foster a more comfortable and safe environment for all of our staff.

我們定立了安全系統,並獲通過ISO 45001認證,以監控和審核我們安全系統的有效性。我們還在工作場所採用5S標準以提高效率,並為所有員工營造一個更加舒適和安全的環境。

We understand nothing can compensate for the pain of an injured family member and commit to promote SHE culture and prevent any industrial accident from happening.


From “Everyone is a Safety Officer” to “Everyone is a Safety Lead”, we incubate team members to take the initiative in Safety Management.


MTE Workshop

Maintenance Workshop


Control Room

Production Control Room


Chemical laboratory

Chemical laboratory


We have proactively adopted preventive measures and set safety KPIs to reduce workplace incidents and injuries. Being fully committed to complying with local relevant statutory health and safety legislation and statutory provisions, we have achieved ISO 45001, a critical barometer for industrial safety.

Over many years of taking care of each other at GIC, we have “we are peers” culture where employees are incentivized and motivated to ensure the health and safety of their colleagues. The success of this approach has resulted in a significant decrease in the number of lost days due to work injury.

To ensure our facilities are properly and safely managed, we maintain an ongoing scheduled preventive maintenance programme in various operational departments. Together with the guiding principles set forth in the Integrated Policy of Quality, Environmental, Safety and Health and our Ten General Safety Rules, our Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) training system is rigorously implemented for all staff - from frontline operators to office staff - to minimize industrial injuries. Our in-house safety and environment rules, which are implemented through our Unsafe Acts / Conditions Control Procedure, Safety Working Cycle, as well as Inspection Programme and Training, ensure we are running an effective safety and health management system to minimize the exposure of health and safety risks to our staff.

我們積極採取預防措施,制定在安全方面的關鍵績效指標。我們致力於全面遵守本地相關的健康及安全法規,並取得了為業界公認的ISO 45001工業安全認證。



Smoke-Free Workplace


We support the Smoke-free Workplace Campaign! Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH) organizes the Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards regularly and promotes creating a smoke-free atmosphere and supportive environment for smokers to quit smoking and reduce peer group influence.


We won Gold Award among 480 companies in 2016.


Smoke Free Award (2017)


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